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বসন্তের জন্য অপেক্ষা

  প্রিয় ঋতু কি কেউ জিজ্ঞেস করলে বিভ্রান্ত হয়ে পড়বো। কোনটা প্রিয় ঋতু? সবগুলোই যে প্রিয়! আমার বর্তমান ঠিকানা যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের দ্বিতীয় ক্ষুদ্রতম অঙ্গরাজ্য ডেলওয়্যার।এই ডেলওয়্যারে প্রতিটা মৌসুম ভিন্নতা নিয়ে আসে। যেহেতু এখানে প্রতিটা ঋতুর একটা   স্বতন্ত্র অস্তিত্ব  আছে তাই তাদের প্রতি আমার পৃথক পৃথক ভালোবাসা জন্মে গেছে। প্রতিটা ঋতুই নিয়ে আসে অনন্য আমেজ, প্রকৃতি সাজে অনুপম সাজে। সেই সাজ  যেন অন্য ঋতুগুলোর চেয়ে একেবারে ভিন্ন। এই যেমন এখন গুটিগুটি পায়ে এসেছে ঋতুরানী বসন্ত: আকাশে-বাতাসে ঝঙ্কৃত হচ্ছে তার আগমনী সুর, আমি সেই সুর শুনতে পাই।  সবগুলো ঋতু প্রিয় হলেও নিজেকে শীতকালের বড় ভক্ত বলে দাবী করতে পারিনা। গ্রীষ্মপ্রধান দেশে যার জন্ম এবং বেড়ে ওঠা, তার পক্ষে ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়াতে মানিয়ে নেওয়া কার্যত কষ্টকর, বিশেষত সেই শীতকাল যদি চার-পাঁচ মাস স্থায়ী হয়। তাই শীতকাল বিদায় নিয়ে যখন বসন্তকাল আবির্ভূত হয় তখন এক একদিন জানলা দিয়ে বাইরে তাকিয়ে ভাবি, "এত্ত সুন্দর একটা দিন দেখার সৌভাগ্য হলো আমার!" শোবার ঘরের জানলা দিয়ে প্রভাতের বাসন্তী রঙের রোদ এসে ভাসিয়ে দেয় কাঠের মেঝে, সাদা আরামকে

Preparing for the second wave

The lockdown condition of spring and summer seasons was bearable, thanks to long, sunny days and warm weather. However, as I look to the future and think of the cool-cold days ahead, I feel that spending the next six months within four walls could become challenging. I almost want to beg to these sunshine days, "Please stay a bit longer." America is fearing a second wave of the coronavirus in the fall. Health experts are worried about how dire the situation may look like in the fall and winter, the seasons when the influenza virus also circulates. Second wave or not, my daughter's school is not reopening for in-person classes this year and my husband will continue to work from home until at least the end of 2020. I am preparing myself for the frigid, housebound days. I am a warm weather person all in all. I like to keep my windows open and let in the fresh air. I love summer mornings when sunshine pours through my east-facing windows. However, as cold days arrive and temp

COVID-19 Lockdown Reading Milestone

These are the books 📚  my 7-year-old finished reading in this lockdown...  Here goes the list:  ~ The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton ~ The Secret Seven series by Enid Blyton ~ Amelia Bedelia chapter book set ~ Roald Dahl complete collection ~ The Secrets of Droon book series ~ Magic Tree House book series  ~ Junie B. Jones book series These pictures here do not include, obviously, the couple of hundred e-books that she read on Epic! I want to congratulate myself on her achievement, even if no one else congratulates me on this. But the truth is, a lot of people did praise me and congratulated me when I shared with them these photos. As a parent, I would like to encourage you to sow the seed of love of reading in your child. If that seed ever germinates, your child will never get bored easily. I know every child is different, but I also know that when we were kids, all my friends and cousins loved to read. Reading was our favorite pastime. And that helped most of us to earn and achie

Marital Life during Pandemic

On a countless number of couples worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on unprecedented marital challenges. China, the country from where all of this began, experienced a spike in divorce after the country began to lift the lockdown. Having said that, there are also couples for whom the lockdown has opened new opportunities to bond like never before. But no matter what, this pandemic surely has pushed us into a situation we did not foresee. When two people live under one roof and see each other 24/7 month after month with no end in sight, conflicts are inevitable.   The Daily Star link “We are living in a highly anxiety-provoking environment,” said Nusrat Siraj, a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) of Bangladeshi origin, who practices in New York City. “Social isolation, financial stress, loss of loved ones, and health concerns have all led to an increased marital conflict globally.”                  Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed “The good news is that the challenges of a pandem

Cherry blossoms and "social distancing"

Location: Public park in Delaware Hubby, daughter and I have been at home since March 15, 2020. We left home on a few occasions, but those were to buy food and refill our water gallons. Oh, hubby also went out to get a new kitchen faucet, because it suddenly started leaking water. The timing could not be worse!   I went out for a walk with my daughter last week. We really needed some fresh air. There were other people at the park, too. Everyone needed some fresh air, I guess. People practiced social distancing, so did I.  Health experts say that it is good for your mental and physical health to go out for a stroll during this time of social distancing. One must avoid crowded places, of course. But this is definitely not the time to drive to Washington, DC to enjoy cherry blossoms, which some people are doing.  I don't know what these 'nature lovers' are thinking. These folks are not only risking their own lives, but the lives of others. The cherry blossoms